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EST. 2001
Location & Maps
Tailgate Location:
All of our tailgates in 2024 occur in the Central Services Building's North Loading Dock.
The nearest intersection for the lot is: 18th St. & Trinity St. in downtown Austin.
18th St & Trinity

Front Door
of Building

If using GPS, use:
Central Service Building
1711 San Jacinto Blvd
Austin, TX 78701
This will take you to the front of the building. You'll need to walk around to the back of the building to get to the loading dock. The rear loading dock is located on 18th St. between San Jacinto Blvd & Trinity St.
For Taxi/Ride-Share, use:
Scholz Garten
1607 San Jacinto Blvd
Austin, TX 78701
Most drivers should know this legendary restaurant. It is located on 17th Street, just 1 block from our location. You'll want to get dropped off and then walk north on San Jacinto or Trinity until you hit 18th.
You definitely want to carpool, ride-share, bike or walk to us because parking is limited downtown! There's no parking available inside the tailgate lots and limited parking on the street. Your best bet is one of the public parking garages or the underground garage at the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum. See Parking map:

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